Robert Goldberg, E'59

Bob and Fran Goldberg

Robert Goldberg, E'59, enrolled in Northeastern as a chemical engineering student and credits co-op with providing him the means to afford a college education and offering him unexpected insight into his intended career. "One extremely valuable thing I learned through co-op is that I did not want to become an engineer," Bob shares. A professional development seminar on patent law further convinced Bob to alter his career path.

After graduating from Northeastern, Bob earned his juris doctor from George Washington University while working for the U.S. Patent office. He later returned to Boston and built a prosperous patent law career at a boutique firm.

In appreciation for everything Northeastern did to propel his professional successes, Bob, with his wife Fran, established the Robert L. Goldberg Scholarship and have included Northeastern in their will to support chemical engineering students. Bob explains, "Northeastern gave me an opportunity that was very significant in my life, and we want to ensure that future generations of students have access to an excellent education."